The day I climbed a Volcano.

It is no secret that I have an absolute fascination with Volcanoes. To experience climbing one was something that I absolutely had to do at some point in South America.
Pucon is home to Chile’s most dangerous active Volcano, Villaricca.
As this is the most dangerous volcano it is unfortunately closed to climb. The next best thing however, Volcano Quetrupillan.
It sits next door to Villaricca, is harder to climb and from the top you get to view Villaricca actively erupting.
I believe a better choice.
What an incredible experience.
The day started at 7am when we were given our clothing for the day. The usuals involving protective clothing, a rucksack to keep our belongings in, a helmet and ‘bum-board’ (at this time of the morning I barely payed attention to this), and not what I was expecting… a large, weapon like, Ice Pick.
To be honest I don’t know what I was expecting for climbing a Volcano, other than to be classed officially as unfit.
An hour drive in the bus of getting to know my group involving, a beautiful French girl, a guy from Israel, a young couple from Chile, and an older guy from New Zealand. There were others, but these were the guys I spent most of my time with.
Our Tour Guide, Nico, was awesome, providing an all round enjoyable experience.
Arriving at the bottom of the Volcano, we piled out the van and in single file started the ascent.
Two hours through a forest to begin with. There were signs of snow throughout but it wasn’t until we reached the end of the forest that the snow became overwhelming.
3 more hours followed of, thankfully, a snails pace, uphill, with a few stops, to reach the summit.
As I write this it is hard to explain what that 5 hours involved! A heavy bag on your bag crushing your spine, legs burning from the constant uphill struggle through snow, wind so cold your face is on fire, sun so bright you are scared to take off your sunglasses for fear of becoming snow blind, and the biggest problem for me was trying to balance upright whilst keeping an eye on each step taken whilst still trying to take in the incredible view! Apparently not a multi-tasker when it comes to this.
All this being said… It was a lot easier than I feared it would be.
My fitness level at the age of 29, is undeniably at its best. Not once did I feel out of breath or in any type of struggle.
To say I found it easy is actually a fair statement! Crazy I know!
The hardest part for me was the way back down. I didn’t even consider this would have to happen!
The Princess in me clearly ignored the helmet and ‘bum-board’ in my bag and must have been expected a Helicopter to be taking me back down.
When we reached the top of the Volcano it was like an epiphany.
I had wanted to climb a Volcano since my plane flew into South America and I first saw Volcano Cotopaxi in Ecuador from overhead.
I stood there at the top for a while thinking I have just climbed an actual Volcano! Not many people can say that right?!
But for me it suddenly became more than that.. I had many reasons for travelling across South America on my own, and new reasons reveal themselves to me often throughout my trip.
One reason is to become a stronger person, mentally physically and emotionally.
Reaching the summit it sank in that I have achieved this. I set myself a goal to climb a Volcano and I have done it. This is not a regular dream for just anybody and is not easily achieved, but I was strong enough and now ever so thankful that I have done it.
OK, OK, “finding myself moment” is over, now onto what turned into the most fun…
After our packed lunch at the top of the Volcano, fighting the bitter wind, it was time to get into our protective clothing, trousers and a helmet. Hmmm.. can you see where this is going?
What followed was the most amount of fun… sliding down the Volcano in the snow on a piece of plastic with an Ice Pick as our brake! Incredible!
Photos of this fun can be found on my Facebook, where as professional photos of the breathtaking landscape are in the usual place,
Not so fun was getting half way and the downhill turned into flatter ground, it was time to walk. It was now mid afternoon and the sun had been shining on the snow for most of the day. I spent more time falling over than walking straight… Over knee deep in melting snow trying to walk downhill. This was harder than the hike up!
I had a few moments where I hated life and wondered what the hell I was thinking doing this. But finally reaching the van and then going for beers with my new friends… Indescribable.
This was the day I climbed a Volcano, and exceeded my own expectations. Unforgettable.
Right now, It is the morning after, and maybe it is the adrenaline still pumping, but I thankfully have no discomfort from the climb! Perhaps tomorrow will tell a different story.
I had two over night buses last night with a 2.5 hour wait in between at 1 o’clock this morning… not ideal.
But I have made it safely to Puerto Montt. Arriving two hours before the Port opens, also not ideal.
I have managed to sneak in a side entrance and guess their Wifi code. So taking full advantage and uploading this before 4 days on the Ferry with no doubt no Wifi.

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